
Ryder On The Storm by Violet Patterson

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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Mountain Charm Release Day Blitz


Today is release day for Sydney Logan’s novel, Mountain Charm! To celebrate, we have two awesome giveaways, including a signed copy of Mountain Charm and a $100 Amazon Gift Card!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Let's Get to Know author Leeland Artra

So today I have author Leeland Artra, he's going to share with us a little bit more about him and his book.  Everyone welcome author Leeland Artra.  

       Can you tell us something interesting about your writing process?

My writing process is a painful series of ripping words from my dreams and getting them into the computer. I agonize for hours to produce a few thousand words. I think this is mostly because I am a perfectionist with horrible grammar and spelling habits. Being a computer programmer I am detail oriented and will often ask myself “is that even possible?” Which if you think about it is a pretty silly question for a fantasy writer. Still I manage to get the book out which is always fun.

What part of the writing process is the easiest/hardest for you?

The easiest part is just telling the tale. I have always been a hard core story teller. I love games that involve role playing or storytelling.

The hardest part is getting everything down into as few words as possible. Being such a story teller I run off into unbelievable amounts of detail. My editors often ask “do we really need all this detail here?” which is followed by me sadly deleting whole pages. In the end it seems to come out pretty good.

    Who is your favorite character (that you’ve written)?

Duke is a hoot, Lebuin is a lot of fun as he bounces around, but my heart right now belongs to Ticca. I want things to go well for her, yet I have nearly killed her a few times already. I hope she survives the story lines.


Monday, July 1, 2013

Desolation Blog Tour: Guest Post with author Travis Simmons

So today I have a great guest post to share with all of you from author Travis Simmons.  He is here to talk about what makes a hero.  There is also an amazing giveaway at the bottom of this post.  Enjoy!!! 

DESOLATION is so much more than a zombie story, or a love story. It is a story of survival, and all that entails. It is amazing to see zombie stories where people are tough as nails and just slaughter everything with seemingly no emotional investment but I wanted something different. I wanted a person who was struggling to survive and struggling to remain human through this entire experience.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure there are people out there who would take great pleasure in mowing down zombies, and maybe I would be one of them, though I think I would probably end up one of those people who killed myself out of fear of being attacked.

What Makes a Hero by author Travis Simmons

Today on the blog we have author Travis Simmons with a guest post and information about his fantastic book!

So today I have a great guest post to share with all from author Travis Simmons, he is chatting with us today about what makes a hero. 

DESOLATION is so much more than a zombie story, or a love story. It is a story of survival, and all that entails. It is amazing to see zombie stories where people are tough as nails and just slaughter everything with seemingly no emotional investment but I wanted something different. I wanted a person who was struggling to survive and struggling to remain human through this entire experience.


We are here to enhance the Twilight fanfiction community. We are here to help you find a new fic you haven't read, we are here to for entertainment only. No copyright en fragments are intended. We are not affiliated with Mrs Meyer in any way or Summit Entertainment.

We hope you enjoy this blog as much as we enjoy making it. We love Twilight and can't wait to share the stories we rec with you.

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