
Ryder On The Storm by Violet Patterson

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Book Blogger New Year's Challenge: Day 2

Day 2, so today we are supposed to share our pros and cons list to blogging.  I have my list and now it's time to share it with all of you.  See what you think of my list.  Pro's Love sharing my book love with everyone around me, it's simple do to this when I blog about it and everyone can read it.   Love the books I get to read.   Connect with all the authors I love and enjoy reading their books.  Con's It's...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Book Blogger Challenge 2014: Day 1

So today is the first day of 2014,  I want to share with you all this little challenge I am participating in.  It's the Book Blogger New Year's Challenge 2014.  It's hosted by the amazing Parajunkee.   But anyway, this challenge is a 14 day challenge where each day you post something on the list that Parajunkee has created for us.  Today is the first day, so let's get started.  ...

Monday, December 2, 2013

Review: Ryder On The Storm by Violet Patterson

Review: Ryder On The Storm by Violet Patterson Title: Ryder On The Storm Author: Violet Patterson Series: Emerald Seer 1 Review: This book first caught my attention with this cover, I mean when you look at it her eyes caught my attention right away and I wanted to read the book, plus the summary helped out as well. I think the main reason I enjoyed this book other than the cover is it's humor.  I love a great romance book...

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Love & the Goddess Blog Tour: Guest Post

Hey everyone, it's a great day for a blog tour post.  Today we have a great author post  from author Mary Elizabeth Coen.  She is talking about 5 Writing Tips today here on The Twigasm.  Her book Love & The Goddess can be bought on Amazon.  Make sure you get your copy today. It's only 99 cents on Amazon for Kindle Version! 5 Writing Tips (1) Posture is important -choose a comfortable chair and make...

Friday, September 27, 2013

Review: Chronicals of Ave by Stephen Zimmer

Title: Chronicles of Ave Author: Stephen Zimmer Publisher: Seventh Star Press Format: Ebook Release Date: September 3rd 2013 Source: Publisher Reading Level: Adult Challenge(s):  Anthology Challenge Escape into the wonders of Ave in this first collection of short stories featuring the fantastical world from the Fires in Eden Series by Stephen Zimmer. "Into Glory Ride" tells the story of a young Trogen Warrior who is called to go up against...


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