Monday, October 10, 2011

Classic Fic Rec Monday: Blind

Hey everyone...its Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend.  Well down to business...we have a new Classic fic girl and I hope you all give her a Twigasm welcome! This will be her first post so make sure you leave some amazing comments!!!!

AU,OOC, All human. Disability doesn't mean you're not able. Can Edward get over his disability and himself to find true happiness with someone who cares deeply for him. Will he do anything to become whole for her? Winner of 3 Twilightawards best author!

“Blind” by Jayeliwood is a wonderful story that explores the question “what if you fell in love with someone with a disability?” I had never given it any thought, but after reading this story I'm not sure how I would deal with it.

 "Blind” is a wonderful Bella/Edward story where Edward is blind and has been since birth. They are both freshman at a Louisiana college. Meeting by chance, their relationship doesn't start out on the right foot.

"The sky is such a lovely blue," she said with a sigh. Yes, she could be that unobservant. "I wouldn't know," I said, my voice turning sour. I could usually control it but I couldn't today. "What do you mean?" "I'm blind." I stated curtly. I decided it was time to go. I'm sure it was a little early but, I could wait outside until the professor was ready. I stood, pulling my cane from my side, snapping it into place.

Edward doesn't know how to react when Bella first speaks to him. Having been blind since birth, and having gone to all blind schools before college, he's not used to people not knowing he's blind. Bella, on the other hand, never gave his blindness any thought because it never mattered to her. Throughout the whole story, she never cares about his inability to see, because it's never mattered to her.

Thanks to Alice and Jasper who are the couple's roommates Edward and Bella meet again and are able to get past their frustrating first meeting. Alice is her usual bouncy, crazy self. Jasper, too, is the same as his character in the Twilight Saga books. He is from the country and still knows how to treat his woman!
Emmett, in this story, is still his crazy self and Rosalie is still his girlfriend. Though she's not bitchy.
This story is wonderful. I love how creative the author is. She truly has done this disability justice in my eyes. Her story shows blind people as PEOPLE. Some authors have a hard time writing disabled characters but Jayeliwood has done a beautiful job.

Even though he is blind, Edward is able to treat Bella the way she needs to be. Well, not the way she wants (she still hates being spoiled) but the way she deserves.

Don’t get me wrong there is still plenty of drama. Especially about should Edward get surgery done so he could see or should he stay blind? Would Bella still love him if he could see or is she only with him because he is blind?

As a Team WolfPack, I don't read many Edward stories. This story, however, is making me really like Edward. “Blind” is truly a classic that should be read by all.




This reminds me of news worthy story I was watching about 2-3 weeks ago.
There was this woman who was totally deaf from birth. She married someone who had perfect hearing. She has just had some new device installed in her ears, from what i understood it was sort of some kind of micro phone thing that enhanced sound. That indeed, somehow allowed her to hear for the very first time in her life. She is in her middle 20's. And the joy of watching her face as she was filmed listening was giving me Goosebumps. She joked that she may be in fact the only woman in the world who appreciated hearing her husband snore. That in its self, made me think of her situation. Like the things we take for granted and complain about [i.e. noisy S/Other who keep you up with their gasping sounding]
She, who was oblivious to that sound many of us get annoyed with, appreciated it immensely. So there you go. She with a disability and overcome it with modern technology to appreciate something we all take for granted. Our hearing.


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