This week we have one of my great friends that I love so much for doing this interview for me. She is known as FL95 in the Fandom. That's right ladies, the writer of The Dick In Me, Edward Cullen, Dick for Hire, Cullen Unscripted, Swimming with Swan, Protected, The Cock Hunter, My Life My Love My Heart, and Shampoo and Shaves, is going to answer some questions for us! YEAH! (She also writes a lot of collabes with some amazing writers and some superb one shots! )
If you don't know FL95 (Jo) then you need to read this interview and then head over and read her stories. They are some of my favorites and I know you will love them to! I love FL95 so much because she don't put up with some of the shit that happens in the fandom and I love the way she says things lol, you will see...
So get you a drink ladies and sit back and either get to know this amazing person and writer or read an amazing interview of a personal friend.
1.) For those who don’t know you tell them a little about yourself. What makes you…well you? What makes you tick?
Okay…well, the same thing that makes a lot of people tick, I guess….passion. For my kids, my friends, the ones I still consider friends, anyway, and my hobbies…because without passion, we are nothing. Literally.
Roughly 15 months or so…give or take a day.
3.) How many fan fictions (counting all one shots) have you wrote?
Damn, woman…*goes to count* 5 full length stories, 2 short stories, 5 collaborations, 3 one-shots…and a partridge in a pear tree. ;)
4.) What do you enjoy about writing fan fiction or writing in general?
Making people laugh. There isn’t enough laughter in the fandom lately, in my humble M.F. opinion.
5.) What got you into fan fiction in the first place? Tell us your story…
Writing or Reading? Reading – I found it off of – a bunch of the girls talked about it and I started reading what they emailed me…got hooked…then with writing – I started while waiting for a certain story to come off of its hiatus…as you read these stories, if you’re a writer, and even if you’re not, you tend to start thinking about what else would make a good story…I just started writing it for the girls on, had fun and it grew from there.
6.) Do you have any advice for people who are thinking of writing a fan fic?
Take Nike’s advice. Just do it. What’s the absolute worse that could happen? People flame you? So what, most of them don’t write at all anyway, what do they know? Write for YOU and then any love and admiration your story might get is just icing on the proverbial chocolate fudge cake. And whatever you do, separate yourself from drama-magnets as soon as your drama alarm starts going off…just…back away. You do NOT wanna go there, trust.
7.) Is there anything that motivates you to write?
Learning. I write to learn more about how to write. And having fun…’cause if that’s not happening, neither is the writing.
8.) Do you ever get writers block? If you do how do you work through it?
Yes. And I drink. A lot.
9.) Have you ever gotten a review that changed the way you wrote a chapter or made you change what you wrote in any way? If so tell us a little about that.
Hmmmm. I will not lie. When a ton of people write reviews and say things like “omg I can’t believe you didn’t….” it is tempting to write what you think people want to read, because in part at least, if we’re being honest, you ultimately want people to like what you write…but I am happy to say, no, I have never changed a plot line for the sake of making others happy. I have been motivated to write extremely sarcastic Author’s Notes, though. Does that count?
Anyway, it would only bug the shit out of me in the long run, knowing where I truly wanted to go with the story originally, so I stay the course and figure, if people don’t like it…that’s okay, because the story is mine, if they wanna see something else happen, they need to type it out and post it on
10.) I know each writer is very different in their styles that they writer, just like the writer themselves. So I figure the way each writer prepares their next chapter is probably different as well. What is your method? Do you outline or just write?
This really depends. Protected…no outline, I just knew kinda where I wanted the story to go and went from there…The Dick…yes…lots of outlines and lots of notes on him…Cullen, Unscripted…basic outline, not a lot of notes…he just sorta…came out, and now, back to the Dick, yes, there’s a big old outline and many many side notes about stuff. It’s exhausting but worth it. For me anyway.
Hmmmm. Well, Cullen, Unscripted came at a time when I really needed to smile again…Kuhmasen, as he is lovingly referred to, made me laugh a lot and in turn, hopefully made a lot of other people laugh a lot. He’s just a guy though, trying to get through life…he’s got no dark past, no horrible experiences, doesn’t have a foul mouth *coughs*…he runs into what some might call luck at the end of college and then deals with the extraordinary circumstances that he finds himself in, in very humorous kinds of ways.
The Dick in Me is a continuation of Edward Cullen, Dick for Hire (I know, still superb at the title pickin’). It’s another case of course and we follow Cullen & Swan through it but it’s different in that, the whole come and get me while I chase you thing isn’t there anymore…they’ve already got each other…so on that side of it, it’s more about how they try to maneuver through the newest stage of their relationship while attempting to solve the previously mentioned case. I’m not quite sure who’s gonna try to kill them more often at this point, Aro, or each other.
12.) Where did you et the idea’s for Protected and Dick for Hire?
It’s funny, each time I’m about to end a story I think, that’ll be it, I’ll prolly take a break now…but then, another one pops up somehow…when I was at the end of “Shampoos N Shaves”, I started thinking about construction worker-ward and how fun he could be to write, then I wondered, why would he be a construction worker, and eventually, I came up with him needing a job like that b/c he was in the Witness Protection Program. (thank you for lovin’ on mobward by the way). Toward the end of Protected, one of the things I was going to have him do was go into private investigation, with his back ground and all…that changed of course, but that’s pretty much where The Dick was born…I wanted him to be not just a “bad boy”, but a bad boy who doesn’t really give a shit if people think he’s a bad boy or not, he just…is…and I didn’t want him to make the mistakes that Mobward made…because of love…blah blah blah…you know the drill. But yeah, that’s about it in a nutshell.
13.) What character of yours do you love the most? Which characters head do you love to be in the most?
Same answer for both I think….well, same answer for one of them. I really really love the Dick…he does not take anyone’s shit, he will call you out in a heart beat, he’s funny but on top of all that…he’s got a heart of absolute gold…however, I also love Kuhmasen to death. He’s just…his head is like a Fun House. The things he thinks of and the way he gets distracted just crack me up. BUT, having said that, I really like being in the Dick’s head most. I wish I was more like him.
14.) What character of yours do you love the most? Which characters head do you love to be in the most?
Same answer for both I think….well, same answer for one of them. I really really love the Dick…he does not take anyone’s shit, he will call you out in a heart beat, he’s funny but on top of all that…he’s got a heart of absolute gold…however, I also love Kuhmasen to death. He’s just…his head is like a Fun House. The things he thinks of and the way he gets distracted just crack me up. BUT, having said that, I really like being in the Dick’s head most. I wish I was more like him.
15.) What are some of your fav fan fic writers?
I have no favorites; I love all of god’s children. *chokes on Patron and then smiles*
16.) what are some of the less known fics that you love?
Why, I’m glad you asked that, Lady. Beyond the Seventh Circle is one, that I mentioned up there *points*, also Dazzy’s “What the Dead Know” is really really good (Jake and Nessie)…I’ve always felt like Dead Confederates doesn’t get enough play…so well written and such a nice lady…despite her awesomely foul mouth. ;) Oh, and Location by dixierose, it’s another witness protection program Edward…I really like dixie’s style, too. And although it should go without saying, I think your Chasing Fire is quite good too. ;)
17.) What is the first fan fic you read?
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngst Goddess….of course. Wasn’t it everyone’s first?
18.) I know you have blogs too, what are those for?
My blog is just to keep everything in my head straight, where things are, a place to keep banners and stuff…a one stop shop I guess. It’s also a place for me to rec stories I find one way or another when I’m quite blown away with one. Not a weekly occurrence, let’s put it that way.
FL95's Blog: Bullshit Fuckery
19.) Anything else you’d like to tell us about? Any new projects you’d like to give us a sneak peak of lol…
I regret to inform you that I cannot tell you what’s swimming around in my head right now. I’m kinda excited about it and I’d hate to get any negative feedback that would ruin it for me. *shows teeth*
Thank you so much Jo for this amazing interview. I hope you all check out FL95's amazing me!! Have I steered you all wrong yet ;)!!!
I'm about to read shampoos and shaves! I'm excited!
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